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In computing, "Encode" refers to the process of converting information or data into a machine-readable format. This transformation is essential for various purposes, including data storage, transmission, and security.

The encoding process involves representing data using a standardized set of rules or algorithms, ensuring that it can be easily interpreted by computers or other devices. By converting information into a machine-readable form, data becomes more manageable, allowing for efficient storage and processing.

Different encoding techniques exist, each designed for specific purposes. For instance, character encoding, such as ASCII or Unicode, is used to represent text characters in a binary format. Similarly, data encoding methods like Base64 enable binary data to be safely transmitted as text, useful in scenarios such as email attachments or data in URLs.

In summary, "Encode" plays a vital role in the world of computing by converting data into formats that machines can understand and process. This process is foundational in enabling the effective exchange and manipulation of information, contributing to the seamless operation of various computer systems and applications.